New Video of Undula

Posted on Saturday, February 9, 2019

My old friend who now goes by the new name of Sequoia is a wonderful pianist I've worked with many times. He recently recorded my solo piano piece Undula. The piece explores senses of water and movement, inspired by David Hockney's 'pool paintings'. The video playfully adds a few of these watery effects over the top of Sequoia's hands at the keyboard, and the score itself.


Mark A Simos commenting on New Video of Undula:
Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 08:45

Beautiful piece, exquisitely played! I love the way that your music can veer from very simple and spare sonorities to rich complexities of harmony and rhythm, while always seeming very direct and playful rather than self-important. It has the directness of natural phenomena like the water it depicts yet somehow never falls into mere sound-collage or imitation. A wonderful piece to study.


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