Foot in the door

Posted on Friday, October 12, 2012

It's nice when pieces start to take on a life of their own. I recently received an email from a member of Hartt Music School's Foot in the Door ensemble, saying he'd enjoyed Steampunk at a recent performance by Hudson Valley Chamber Winds and was even happier that his own group had decided to program the piece in their concert this October 17th. I hadn't even heard about the Hudson Valley performance, so this was a double delight. Having repeat performances through word of mouth alone is such a thrill and an honour - you know the performance is happening for no other reason than because the group wants it to happen! Have a great concert guys!


It turns out the Atlantic Chamber Ensemble are also giving another performance of Steampunk this Saturday 20th in Richmond VA. Always a group to add a splash of fun and colour to a concert, the election-themed concert is billed as 'Bruce vs Beethoven' and the audience gets to vote! I'm not sure I fancy my chances there!

ACE are also performing Gumboots next year in collaboration with Amaranth Contemporary Dance which is the first time this dance-inspired piece will have been actually accompany dance.



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