The next David Bruce

Posted on Monday, January 24, 2011

Christian Herzog has given The Eye of Night a most spectacular review over at; he's also posted on under the heading 'David Bruce: The Next Osvaldo Golijov?' which, predictably, has led to my first public roasting on their forums.

The photo caption on the latter page jokingly refers to 'Sir David Bruce' - now aside from being a very fine Pinot and Petite Sirah grower, and, I've no doubt, an excellent used car salesman from Illinois; and as well as being an American diplomat whose obituary my parents ghoulishly kept as a cutting, bookmarking the relevant entry in the household encyclopaedia; and of course, as well as being David Bruce, King of Scots, the son of Robert the Bruce; aside from all them, Sir David Bruce was actually the renowned microbiologist who first identified the cause of Brucellosis or sleeping sickness which affects cows, goats and homo sapiens. All in all quite a prestigious collection of namesakes. I guess at least I don't have a common name like this guy.



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