Two new pieces

Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I finished two new pieces in recent months, both of which will have to wait till next year for their premieres. The first is Laughter Through Tears, a concerto commissioned by and written for Giora Feidman (actually a double concerto with violin solo along with the string orchestra). After a bit of too-ing and fro-ing Giora tells me he's scheduled the premiere of this piece for next March at the lovely looking Prinzregententheater in Munich (see above). The performance will feature the Russian Chamber Philharmonic conducted by Juri Gilbo.

Also completed earlier this week is my flute/harp/viola trio for San Diego's Art of Elan series. I'm particularly pleased with this rather delicate series of four 'nocturnes' which I've called The Eye of Night. No date has been decided yet for the premiere, but hopefully it will be next season at some point. With a bit of luck and good timing, a first trip to California beckons!



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