Bring on the Groanbox

Posted on Monday, January 12, 2009

My latest piece, Groanbox, frantically worked on between Christmas pudding and New Year festivities, is completed. Details of the concert featuring Metropolis Ensemble and the Groanbox Boys are available here. Tickets available here. The fabulous picture of Michael Ward-Bergeman above is courtesy of The neepster who very generously allowed me to reuse it here.

This piece has a number of firsts:

  • my first use of banjo
  • my first incorporation of folk musicians, (or rather, in Cory's case in particular, of a musician whose principal area of expertise is the aural tradition)
  • my first use of a 2/6 bar (two thirds of a triplet)
  • my first use of sandpaper blocks, bicycle bell, goblet, stomp board, Tibetan cowbell and whip
  • my first piece to be inspired in part by the Teletubbies.

    >> Read more about Groanbox and the concert here
    >> Buy tickets here



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