Dances for Oskar in the Lake District

Posted on Thursday, August 7, 2008

Above is my son Oskar listening to the string quartet that bears his name. He enjoyed it, but then, as you can see from the picture, he was in an especially good mood! The Heath Quartet gave an excellent first performance at Kendal Town Hall during the Lake District Summer Music Festival yesterday. I decided not to bring the work's dedicatee along to the concert for fear of disruption. But I can officially say that during part of the especially 'bouncy' second movement he definitely danced a little...

and here's the quartet and me receiving a little light thanks from the generous audience

I'm astonished and delighted that after much struggling I've written a piece for string quartet that I'm happy with, and shows I think a reasonable competence in writing for the instruments. I've decided henceforth I can officially call myself a real composer.



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