A chat with Mike Daisey

Posted on Tuesday, April 8, 2008

During my trip to New York last month I popped into the city to have a chat with Mike Daisey who is going to be the narrator for my arrangement of Satie's Sports et Divertissements - this was organised by the Metropolis Ensemble to promote the forthcoming concert - see the video clip above for Part 1 of our chat.

If you're in NYC this Thursday do please head along to the Metropolis Ensemble Spring Concert to hear the concert. I can't wait to hear what the ebulient Mike brings to the piece. There's lots of other great music on the programme including a premiere by Ryan Carter, and pieces by Salonen and Ravel. Essa-Pekka himself is reportedly attending.


Three more short videos of the chat are now available here, including, in part 4, details of The Great Tennis Ball Secret. Tickets to the concert are reportedly selling fast, so if you fancy coming book now


iAN commenting on A chat with Mike Daisey:
Saturday, November 14, 2009 at 14:24

I fnd it easier to put my had in the bag first. After breathing from the inside out the second act stays on fire. You can tell that Elgar must have done this wih Gerontius


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