Bird Premiere

Posted on Monday, March 24, 2008

The premiere performances of A Bird in Your Ear at Bard College, NY, were a great success at the weekend. I hope to have some better pictures and samples later, but for now here is one with all the soloists:

and one of me with wonderful Dawn:

And here is a taster:


Numbers 2-3 - I was a nightingale

Number 4 - The nightingale sings

Number 5 - Ivan went out walking

Number 6 - When the storm was over

Bard College Orchestra & Choir, conducted by James Bagwell, Yulia Van Doren soprano, Sungeun Lee tenor, Yohan Yi Baritone, Chanel Wood Soprano, Rie Miyake Soprano, Kristin Ezell Soprano, Melissa Wegner,Soprano, and Tania Rodriguez Mezzo-Soprano.font>

Want to hear it all? Click here to listen to the complete first performance


Studdymub commenting on Bird Premiere:
Friday, December 11, 2009 at 19:42

Great, I didn't heard about that up to now. Thanks.


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