Birds and Dates

Posted on Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rehearsals are now well underway for my opera/oratorio/dramatic cantata A Bird in your Ear at Bard College. [ Read the Bard Press Release here ]

Melissa Wegner (who premiered Piosenki, and who is one of the narrators in the piece) kindly recorded some of the on-going vocal rehearsals - it's a very curious feeling to hear a recording of an as-yet-unheard composition which took place without you on the other side of the Atlantic! But it all sounds like it's shaping up very nicely and its comforting to be reminded of the fantastic standard of musicianship they have at Bard.

Meanwhile, off tonight to another bout of Opera Speed Dating with Tete a Tete


ian commenting on Birds and Dates:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 17:40

totally agree. Aimee Bender is amazing!


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