From the other side...

Posted on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

After a whirlwind week, the premiere of my Carnegie Hall commission Piosenki is all done and dusted. It was a stunning performance by some stunning players and singers, and the NY Times seems to agree:

The program concluded with David Bruce’s lively, intense “Piosenki,” set to the verses of the Polish poet Julian Tuwim. The instrumental music sometimes sounded like an Eastern European wedding band, over which the earthy soprano of Melissa Wegner and the baritone of Yang Yang (singing in Polish) conveyed, with flair, the whimsy and humor of Tuwim’s texts.

With Baritone Yang Yang after the premiere of Piosenki

On stage with Yang Yang (holding the largerphone), Kyle Ferrill (who deputized part of the Baritone role), conductor Alan Pierson and just out of shot, Melissa Wegner



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