
Monthly Archive: July 2008

Lagerphones and laments

Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's nice when life and art interact and feel like they are all part of one larger picture. I first met Michael Ward-Bergeman at the Carnegie Hall workshops for Piosenki back in 2006. He introduced me to the lagerphone and later I introduced him to the famous laments or 'Treny' of Polish poet Kochanowski (I even made a post about it here)

I built and used the lagerphone for Piosenki, and Michael has decided to set the laments for a new commission from the Terezin Chamber Music Foundation. The circle is completed in November this year, when Dawn Upshaw will sing both my Piosenki and Michael's new piece, in Carnegie's Zankel Hall (further details of the concert here).

Michael's now embarked on a series of podcasts about his commission, and in this opening one below, he talks about our friendship, lagerphones, and the laments.

Check our Michael's blog for further podcasts.

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