
Monthly Archive: May 2009

No words, only feelings

Posted on Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The incomparable Dona Dumitru Siminica, apparently a big hit in Romania in the 50s, but very unfashionable there these days. For me there is little in music more moving, which, as one youtube commentator notes is "without words, only feeling. "
Gotta love the tea-drinking locals in this film as well.

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Windy City premiere

Posted on Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Caja de Musica will receive its Chicago premiere at the Museum of Contemporary Photography on May 30th, with Bridget Kibbey, hosted by ICE.

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Tasty Dishes

Posted on Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Over at NY Times, Anthony Tommasini's taste buds seem to have been tickled by my opera performance at VOX:

The last work showcased was by far the best... The music, rich with imagined folk tunes, undulant accompaniment patterns and vibrant choral writing, is delicate, tartly tonal and lucidly orchestrated. The characters are enchanting, and the vocal writing mostly effective. [The opera is] skillfully written and imaginative...

Read the full NY Times review here

...and in a very brief overview of the VOX festival for New Music Box, Frank J.Oteri described the ending of Bird as 'extraordinarily moving'.

>> More info and samples of A Bird in Your Ear here

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