
Monthly Archive: November 2007

You wait ages for one and then...

Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2007

2008 is already shaping up to be a busy year. Along with A Bird in your Ear which receives its premiere at BARD college in March, I was thrilled to get an email from Jeremy Geffen at Carnegie Hall, offering me a new commission to write for the clarinettist Todd Palmer and the St Lawrence String Quartet, who will give the premiere in Carnegie's Zankel Hall next October. I know these performers principally from their wonderful recording of Golijov's grammy-nominated Yiddishbbuk CD - it's hard to believe I'll be writing something for the same players.

A few days later I got a call from Andrew Lucas at the Lake District Summer Music Festival whom I met earlier in the year at the 4x4 Composer Residency. They've also kindly offered me a commission for next year's festival.

Finally, I understand that New York's up-and-coming Metropolis Ensemble are planning to do my Satie arrangements in a concert in the city next April.

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Berimbau premiere

Posted on Monday, November 19, 2007

Matthew Schellhorn

A huge thank you to Matthew Schellhorn and the wonderful people of Hertford who gave my piano piece Berimbau a great performance and reception at the premiere yesterday afternoon. Matthew also gave a scintillating performance of Messiaen's Petites esquisses d'oiseaux, along with Daquin's Le Coucou - food for thought for my 'Bird Opera'.

Not quite so much thanks go to the Hertford council whose multi-story car park closed down at 5pm leaving my car inside overnight!

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Free Piosenki Download Available Online

Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Carnegie Hall website now has the complete recording of the world premiere performance of Piosenki available for free download.

It was a great performance, and the recording quality is stunning, so check it out!

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